Rave Reviews

Over the years I've received far too many compliments and rave reviews to post them all, but this is a small sampling of them. If you would like a direct reference please email me and I will be happy to provide you with a list of clients to talk to.

"It's amazing what you can do with that list of foods. I saw bland, raw ingredients, you see MASTERPIECES."

"We LOVE your meals! The Crab Cakes were excellent, the stew good, the biscuits mouthwatering, the Turkey Tetrazinni awesome... I could continue!"

"I never realized how much easier it is not having to worry about a good meal during the week."

"I have lost 20 POUNDS!"

"That halibut was the BEST fish I have ever tasted!"

"I ate one of the Salmon Fillets last night! Fantastic!"

"Thank you so much for filling my freezer and refrigerator with yummy, healthy food!"

"Did the five of us ever feel like royalty! We have never eaten so well on a cruise. The meals were truly five stars!"

"We thought the lamb, the Mexican shells, and the Enchiladas were terrific!"

"Setting the table took more time than getting the meals together!"